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  • If It's Not Fun, Why Do It?

If It's Not Fun, Why Do It?

Why settle for a life or job that doesn’t spark joy or light your fire?

Does your life spark joy, or are you just going through the motions? If it ain’t fun, maybe it’s time to declutter more than just your closet.

"Work hard, have fun, and make history." – Jeff Bezos

I had an epiphany on a recent trip to Vermont, USA

What started as a fun family holiday became a source of inspiration when we visited the site of Ben & Jerry’s first ice cream factory.  Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield didn’t just set out to make ice cream—they set out to make ‘Fun for Everyone.’ 

Two childhood buddies, a love for ice cream, and $12,000 were the magical ingredients that sparked what would become one of the most iconic ice cream brands. 

From Day 1, their philosophy was: "If it ain’t fun, why do it?"

This wasn’t just a catchy slogan—it became the secret sauce behind their success. From concocting iconic flavors like Cherry Garcia to embedding social good into their business model, they showed that when you blend fun with purpose, you can serve up success with more than a spoonful.

When Fun Meets Purpose - Magic Happens >

Whether in the workplace or personal life, having fun can stimulate creativity, strengthen relationships, and improve the quality of one's output.

Fun isn’t just a “nice-to-have”—it’s a critical ingredient for living a Full Life.   

If you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, here’s a “5-Step Framework” to help you sprinkle  fun into your life 

Step 1. Reflect & Assess 

Set aside 60 minutes this weekend to reflect on the last 6 months of your work and life activities.

Ask questions & jot down the first answers that come to you instinctively.

  • What tasks or projects energized you?

  • Which ones drained you?

  • Who around you lifts you, and who pulls you down?

Write down your thoughts—don’t overthink it. These clues will reveal the gaps between what you value and what you’re currently experiencing. Keep reflecting beyond this weekend as new insights emerge.

New Habit - Start finding “micro” fun in daily tasks. Gamify your work—set small challenges, reward yourself, or sprinkle in some lightheartedness to break up the monotony.

Step 2. Evaluate Your Core Values

List your top five core values, both personal and professional. Now, force-rank them. For example, if you had to choose between “family time” and “career success,” which would come first? This ranking might be challenging, but it will clarify your true priorities.

  • Do these values align with your current role?

  • Where do you feel a disconnect?

New Habit: Use this value framework when deciding about work projects or personal commitments. This will help you act from a place of purpose, not just habit.

Step 3. Optimize Your Current Role 

Look at your current responsibilities and ask:

  • Are there tasks you can automate or delegate?

  • Can you pitch projects that are more aligned with what you enjoy?

New Habit: Map your tasks on a time-energy scale. Shift your focus toward more fulfilling activities while reducing time spent on draining ones.

Step 4. Network for Inspiration & Growth 

Set up informal chats with friends, mentors, or professionals who work in fields you find inspiring. Ask them:

  • What excites them about their work?

  • Are there opportunities that align with your fun-focused mindset?

  • How do they see your industry evolving?

New Habit: Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Connect with people who inspire you, explore new ideas, and keep growing.

Step 5. Plan & Commit to Long-term Change

Identify at least one long-term change that excites you. Whether switching departments, launching a side hustle, or learning a new skill, take action toward your goals.


  • Transitioning to a different department

  • Set up Linked In to change jobs in a new industry

  • Pursuing a certification to upgrade your skills

  • Learning how to launch a new startup

  • Beginning a side hustle project that excites you

New Habit: Hire a coach and/or  develop a training schedule and stay on track with your goals  

The Science of Fun 

A Gallup survey shows that employees who have fun are more engaged, leading to 21% higher profitability for their companies. So, fun isn’t frivolous—it’s essential.

Following this framework can realign your work with your values, bringing more joy and fulfillment. 

Just like Ben & Jerry’s, you too can build a life that’s both purposeful and fun.

Remember, when work feels like play, everything becomes much more rewarding!  

Image Credit - TKO paintings

I teamed up with seasoned founders, investors, and experts to create an ‘Idea to Startup in under 15 weeks’ co-pilot program. It’s for corporate warriors who want to create their venture without leaving their golden nest. This program will help you ideate, build an MVP, validate, launch, and get the tricks of this opaque world of venture capital and innovation economy. Rose-tinted glasses are not enough to survive in the wild. 🙂 

Email me for a 20 minute 1-1 discussion to learn the details > [email protected]

___Why is it called /SALTT______________

In Roman times, salt was prized as much as gold—it was essential and invaluable and paid as a “salary.” To “earn your salt” is to add real value, which is crucial. The phrase still resonates today, but perhaps with an even deeper meaning. Earning our salt is not about compensation only—it’s about contribution, fulfillment, and the courage to live with intention.


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